Welcome to the Matrix Wiki!

This wiki was made to document the Matrix chat protocol, we're hoping to make a place for Matrix users to come together and document the Matrix protocol, issues people face with various Matrix-related pieces of software and back-end server implementations, various community and historical aspects, and just have fun with Matrix and its hacking.

This wiki is meant to be an open source resource to be used by anyone and contributed by community members, please help us keep the articles clean, and correct any mistakes you see.

The main motivation for this wiki is how most of the Matrix ecosystem is poorly documented, so we're hoping to create something better that will document all aspects of Matrix. Help us keep the wiki updated and have a high coverage area in the Matrix community by signing up and becoming a valuable member of this wiki :).

The wiki is governed by the almighty Admin, LDA, Ari and Array in a Matrix. It is a part of the IM Wiki project.

Join our wonderful community on Matrix and XMPP!

Matrix room #imwiki-matrix:matrix.org
XMPP MUC matrix-wiki@room.telepath.im